Christ Church Bronxville is one of 192 congregations in the Diocese of New York. The Mission of the Diocese of New York is the mission of all baptized Christians: to teach and to spread the Gospel and its knowledge of salvation to all people, and to make the love of Christ known in the world. We accomplish this through our own actions as individuals, as congregations, and as the Diocese, by feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, visiting the prisoner, and comforting those in times of trouble.

The Episcopal Church is a Christian denomination, and the American branch of the Anglican Church (the historic Church of England). Anglicanism began in England in the sixteenth century, when King Henry VIII broke ties with the Pope and declared the Catholic Church in England to be independent.

Our mission is to love and serve Christ in all persons, regardless of their race, gender, social background, religious upbringing, or sexual orientation. We rely on the scriptures of the Old and New Testament as well as the Book of Common Prayer, which unites all Episcopal Churches in our shared life of prayer and sacraments.

Full membership in the Episcopal Church begins with the sacrament of Baptism, which may take place either in the Episcopal Church, or at another Christian church where baptism is done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Baptism does not need to be repeated - it is full initiation once and for all into the whole body of Christ, the Christian church, regardless of the denomination in which a person is baptized.

Visit the Episcopal Diocese of New York website here.

Visit the Episcopal Church website here.